in memoriam
Articles by Kathy Acker
Big Deal, #2 (Spring 1974) Includes material by: Kathy Acker, Lucy R. Lippard, Jackson Mac Low, Larry Eigner, Bernadette Mayer, Clark Coolidge, and Alan Sondheim.
(Alias The Black Tarantula Alias Ripoff Red), by Kathy Acker,
Journal [LAICA Journal], No. 4 (February 1975)
Ripoff Red, Girl Detective, by Kathy Acker,
FILE Megazine: New York City Edition, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Spring 1976)
Unmuzzled Ox, Vol. IV no. 1 1976
Featuring poetry by Lou Reed and Allen Gisnberg
(among others), fiction by Kathy Acker,
Robert Creeley, and Douglas Woolf,
brief interviews with Mohammed Ali,
Truffaut, Alice Cooper, and more
Market Research, statements about artists' books, by Kathy Acker,
Art-Rite Artists' Books, No. 14 (Winter 1976 - 1977)
Only Prose, (November 1977)
A 'zine style publication featuring first [?] publication of excerpt
from Acker's "Blood and Guts in Highschool," as well as short prose
by Barbara Baracks, Ira Joel Haber, John Perreault.
X Motion Picture Magazine, Vol. 1, No.1 (Dec. 1977)
Contributions by Diego Cortez, Terence Severine, Eric Mitchell, Kathy Acker,
Michael McClard, Duncan Smith, Jacki Ochs, Mitch Corber, Alan Moore,
James Nares, Jimmy de Sana, Betsy Sussler and Arturo Schwarz.
The 4 3 2 review #4 1977
Edited by Simon Schuchat .
Cover art by Rochelle Kraut.
Published in New York in 1977.
Produced at the Poetry Project
in NYC. 24 pp
X Motion Picture Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2 & 3 (February 1978)
Contributions by Kathy Acker, Charles Ahearn, Scott B, Tim Burns,
Jimmy de Sana, Stefan Eins, Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard,
Craig Gholson, Duncan Hannah, Beth B, Scott Johnson, Tina Lhotsky,
Jeremy Lipp, Katy Martin, Aline Mayer, Eric Mitchell, Alan Moore,
James Nares, Michael Oblowitz, Judy Rifka, Terence C. Sellers,
Duncan Smith, Lindzee Smith, Susan Springfield, Betsy Sussler,
Robin Winters, Jeff Goldberg, Robert Cooney, Philippe Demontaut,
Philip Fraser, Leandro Katz, Sonia Miranda, Jacki Ochs, Amos Poe,
Marcia Resnick, Leisa Stroud and Duncan Rathbone Hannah.
X Motion Picture Magazine, Vol. 2, Issues 4, 5 & 6 (May 1978)
Contributions by Beth B, Duncan Smith, Tom Otterness, Dorian Brew,
Robert Cooney, Betsy Sussler, Nancy Murray, Bruce Wolmer,
Terence C. Sellers, Seth Tillet, Tim Burns, Kathy Acker, Vivienne Dick,
Diego Cortez, Scott B, Rene Ricard, Anya Phillips, Kirsten Bates,
Robin Winters, Randi Cohen, Anonymous, Duncan Hannah,
Ilona Granet, Marcia Resnick, F. Demi, Julius Valinnas, Jimmy de Sana,
Liza Bear, Charlie Ahearn, Beate Nilsen, Tina Lhotsky, Alan Moore,
Dee Dee Halleck, Cara Brownell, Helen Rutherford, Michael Sahl,
Colen Fitzgibbon, Michael McClard, Mitch Corber and Michael Oblowitz.
The New York Spanner, No. 1
Issue edited by Dick Miller and Terise Slotkin.
Contributions by William Stone, Colen Fitzgibbon, Robin Winters,
Charles Moulton, Marcia Resnick, Demi, Mitch Corber,
Richard Haynes, Gerard Hovagimyan, John Shaw, Carson Kievman,
Paul McMahon, Joe Strand, Judy Rifka, Kathy Acker,
Richard Basil Mock, Alan Moore, C.A. Muse, W.S. Pfaffman,
and Peter Fend. Includes biographies.
The Life of Baudelaire by Kathy Acker, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E,
Number 9/10. October 1979, 2 page article:
How Spring Came to the Land of Snow and Icicles by Kathy Acker
(extract from Blood and Guts in High School, p44),
FILE magazine,
Vol 4 No 2, Fall 1979,
(the “Special
Transgressions” issue),
includes articles on/by:
David Byrne,
Stephen Lack,
Jean Genet,
Jimmy DeSana,
Kathy Acker and
Robert Mapplethorpe.
Bombay Gin, No. 7, Summer-Fall 1979
Guest Editors: Larry Fagin, Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman,
Charlie Ross. Cover drawing by Alice Notley.
Contributors include: Jack Kerouac, Fielding Dawson,
Kathy Acker, Pat Donegan, Ted Berrigan, and others.
New York Story, Kathy Acker, International Times, Vol 5, No 5, Jan/Feb 1980
Fete by Kathy Acker (1980), Unknown publication, listed by Duke
Great Expectations, by Kathy Acker, BOMB Magazine,
Vol. 1 No. 1 (Spring 1981)
The Invisible Universe by Kathy Acker, Open Letter,
Winter 1982, Fifth Series, No. 1, L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol 4
Desire, Part I (D.C.), by Kathy Acker, BOMB Magazine, No. 3, Spring 1982
Portraits: Impassioned with Some Song We,
by Kathy Acker;
Artforum, Vol. 20, No. 9 (May 1982)
Time, by Kathy Acker,
Wedge: An Aesthetic Inquiry,
Number 1 (Summer 1982)
D.S. Part II of Desire,
by Kathy Acker,
BOMB Magazine 4,
Fall 1982
Wedge: Partial Texts: Essays and Fictions,
No. 3/4/5 (1983)
Kathy Acker on Hans Magnus Enzensberger's 'Critical Essays,
Artforum Vol. 21, No. 5 (January 1983)
Partial Texts: Essays and Fictions, ZG, No 9 – Breakdown, 1983
The issue comprised a series of fourteen individual artists` books, housed in a red folder. llustrated, cover by Robert Mapplethorpe, texts by Kathy Acker, Barbara Kruger, Jonathan Miles, Eric Bogosian, Michael Zwack, Sylvere Lotringer, Angela McRobbie on The Fear of Fascism, Interview with Julian Temple.
Models of our Present,
Artforum, Volume 22, No. 6, 1984
The Following Myth...,
BOMB Magazine:
The Americas, Art, Poetry, Fiction, Film,
No. 9 (Spring/Summer 1984)
Scenes from World War III,
Impulse, Volume 11 Number 4, Winter 1985
Men cannot be feminists, says Kathy Acker…
City Limits, #198, July 19-25, 1985
Alasdair Gray: Critical Appreciations and a Bibliography,
by Phil Moores (Editor), Will Self (Introduction)
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: The British Library Publishing Division (31 May 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0712311297
ISBN-13: 978-0712311298
Includes Kathy Acker’s Interview of Alasdair Gray,
at the ICA, London 1986, which is also available at:
Kathy Acker, International Times, 1986, Vol 1
Power of Theatrical Madness:
Photographs by Robert Mapplethorpe
Introduction by Kathy Acker
Hardcover: 60 pages
Publisher: ICA; First Edition edition (Dec. 1986)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0905263901
ISBN-13: 978-0905263908
Degrees Above Zero,
Kathy Acker looks at contemporary African fiction,
City Limits, #250, July 17-24 1986
Critics choice, City Limits, #250,
18 December 1986 – 1 January 1987
The Cracked Mirror, Red Tape #6, 1986
features: David Wojnarowicz, Richard Kern,
Kathy Acker, Greer Lankton, Joe Coleman, etc
Reality Studios, Vol 9, 1987, Ed. Ken Edwards
60 page magazine, includes an extract from
Empire of the Senseless by Kathy Acker
Body Politic, City Limits, #299,
23 June – 2 July 1987
Body and Soul, City Limits, #312,
24 September – 1 October 1987
Sexual Education, City Limits, #317,
29 October – 5 November 1987
Signs of Identity, Kathy Acker Interviews Juan Goytisolo,
City Limits, #318, 5-12 November 1987
Boxcar Bertha an Autobiography, Ben L Reitman. Kathy Acker (Introduction)
Publisher: AMOK PRESS (1988)
Language: English
ISBN 10: 0941693066
ISBN 13: 9780941693066
Interview with William S. Burroughs by Kathy Acker,
June 1988, October Gallery in London,
at the inaugural show of his shotgun paintings, filmed by Fenella Greenfield.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Best of 1988, Kathy Acker, City Limits, # 378, 29 December 1988 – 5 January 1989
Bad Girl made Good, Kathy Acker interviews Mary Gaitskill,
Elle, April 1989
Robert Mapplethorpe, an appreciation of
the photographic iconoclast by friend and
occasional subject Kathy Acker,
The Face, Vol 2 No 8, May 1989
A Few Notes on Two of My Books, Kathy Acker,
Review of Contemporary Fiction, vol 9, No 3.
Also in Bodies of Work, Kathy Acker (1997)
Public and Private Lives, Kathy Acker,
The New Statesman, 31 March 1989.
Also in
Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991,
Manpower, Kathy Acker,
The New Statesman, 2 June 1989.
Also in Acker:
Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991,
Sodom! Helen Birch (plus Kathy Acker, Angela Carter,
Jane Wood and Ian Breakwell),
City Limits, #414, 7-14 September 1989
The Last Supper, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman,
22 September 1989.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
City of the Angels, Kathy Acker,
The New Statesman, 27 October 1989.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
A desire for control, Kathy Acker,
City Limits, #423, 9-16 November 1989
The Meaning of the Eighties, Kathy Acker, Village Voice, Vol 35, 2 January 1990. Also in Bodies of Work, Kathy Acker (1997)
At the Edge of the New, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 19 January 1990. Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
The Beat Goes On, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 23 February 1990. Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
Writers Take to the Streets, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 23 March 1990. Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
The World According to Peter Greenaway, Kathy Acker, Village Voice, vol 35, 17 April 1990. Also in Bodies of Work (1997)
On Top of a Peak, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 11 May 1990.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
In the Underworld, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 15 June1990.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
Sense and Censorship, Kathy Acker, The New Statesman, 20 July 1990.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007).
Dead Doll Humility, Kathy Acker, Postmodern Culture, vol. 1, no. 1 (Sep. 1990)
or text only:
"Bonfire of the Vanities" (movie review),
New Statesman & Society, Jan 25, 1991 v3 n135 p29(2)
The War at Home, Kathy Acker,
The New Statesman, 25 January 1991.
Also in Acker: Articles from The New Statesman 1989-1991, (2007)
Desire and Power, Kathy Acker,
Marxism Today, August 1990 Issue - 21 , p20-21
Some American Cities, Kathy Acker, Marxism Today,
unknown issue. Also in Bodies of Work, Kathy Acker (1997)
Bombay Gin, Vol.II, Number 1 (Summer 1991)
Edited by Rebecca Bush, Karl Schmieder, M.S.Tree, John Wright.
Cover illustration by M.S. Tree. Contributors include: Kathy Acker,
Louis Villaire, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Charles Bukowski, Katie Yates,
Anne Waldman and others.
Red Wings: Concerning Richard Prince's "Spiritual America"
by Kathy Acker, Parkett No. 34 Ilya Kabakov, Richard Prince.
Also in Bodies of Work (1997)
New erotic fiction by Kathy Acker,
Reflex, #31, January 1993
Bodybuilding: The Female Interest In The Female Body
by Kathy Acker, Shift #12, 1992
Reason To Get Happy by Kathy Acker, Shift #15, 1993
Writing, Identity, and Copyright in the Net Age,
Kathy Acker, MMLA, Vol 28, No 1, Spring 1995.
Also in Bodies of Work (1997)
Seeing gender (pages 78–86) plus from Puss, King of the Pirates
(pages 87–95), Critical Quarterly, December 1995, Volume 37, Issue 4.
Also in Bodies of Work (1997)
Paragraphs, Kathy Acker,
The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association,
Vol. 28, No. 1, Identities (Spring, 1995).
The Beat Goes On by Kathy Acker about Ginsberg and Burroughs, 21C #23,
Trouble on Triton: An Ambiguous Heterotopia,
Samuel R. Delany, Kathy Acker (foreword)
Paperback: 326 pages
Publisher: Wesleyan University Press;
Reprint edition (19 July 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 081956298X
ISBN-13: 978-0819562982
Foreword – ‘On Delany the Magician’ by Kathy Acker.
Also in Bodies of Work (1997).
All Girls Together, The Guardian, 3 May 1997
The World at their Feet, Kathy Acker Meets the Spice Girls
Nothing Here Now But the Recordings
by John Giorno, Kathy Acker and others
on the audio recordings of Burroughs,
Ray Gun Magazine # 54 (March 1998)
Returning to the Source,
Kathy Acker where she notes her admiration for Burroughs,
includes photos of Burroughs,
21C #26
Writing as Magic in London in Its Summer:
Iain Sinclair and the Crafting of Place,
by Kathy Acker,
Vertigo, Volume 4, Issue 3, Summer 2009
(article probably dates from 1997):
Looking for Madonna, Kathy Acker for The Saturday Review
Articles on Kathy Acker
Travelers Digest, #2, 1977
Andy Warhol Muhammad Ali interview/ David Byrne
(In the future column )Amos Poe (toilets of Europe photos)
Legs McNeil column // Marcia Resnick / Makos photo/
William Burroughs (letter to Kerouac) Iggy Pop (interview)
Gerard Malanga diary / photo by Chris Stein / photo of Stiv Bators / C
raig Gholson Erica Lennard , Liz Derringer / Otis Brown /
Kathy Acker / New York city magazine/fanzine
80 Langton Street Documentation:
Catalog for Presentations from May 1981
through April 1982, exhibition catalogue
published in conjunction with show held
May 1981 - April 1982. Artists include:
Fredric Jameson, Jerome Rothenberg,
Peter Gordon, Kathy Acker, Mark Pauline,
Diamanda Galas, John Driscoll, Richard Posner,
Dan Graham etc. Includes plastic 3D glasses.
ReSearch, #3, 1981, featuring: Kathy Acker, female modification, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Flipper, S&M Lesbian Sex, SPK, Sordide Sentimental, Crypto-Fascists, The Rattlesnake Man, cannibalism, pirate fashion, World Dictatorship Map, Phoebe Gloeckner, Terre Richards cartoon, The Feelies. Circus Mort, New Guinea. new brain research, 36 pages.
'Approaches Kathy Acker, Steve Benson,
Open Letter, Winter 1982, Fifth Series, No. 1,
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E, Vol 4
Portraits of Joseph Kosuth, Lawrence Weiner, and Kathy Acker,
by Robert Mapplethorpe Artforum, Vol. 20, No. 9 (May 1982)
Opera: 'Birth of a Poet,' Avant-Garde
– John Rockwell, New York Times, 5 December 1985
An Absence Of Vision And Drama,
On: Lynn Tillman, Kathy Acker, Gary Indiana, Richard Prince,
by Brian Wallis, Parkett, Collaboration Eric Fischl / No. 5 (1985)
The Lord of La Mancha and her Abortion, Yom LeClair, New York Times Book Review, 30 November 1986
Punko Panza, David Van Leer, New Republic, 4 May 1987
And then there’s Kathy Acker, Motorbooty, #3, Fall 1988
Empire of the Senseless reviewed, Alan Moore,
City Limits, 19-26 May, 1988, p88
Kathy Acker, Strange Things,
Volume 1, Number 3,
July/ August 1988
Kathy Acker, King of the Pirates, Comes to Washington, DC, by Richard Peabody, December 1991
Body Bildung, Rickels, Laurence A,
Artforum International, Vol. 32, No. 6, February 1994
Bruises, Roses, Massochism and the Writing of Kathy Acker,
Arthur Redding, Contemporary Literature 35, No 2, summer 1994
Kathy Acker on the Loose, Noel King, Meanjin, Volume 55, Issue 2 (1996)
KATHY ACKER by Steven Shaviro,
in Doom Patrols: A Theoretical Fiction about Postmodernism (1996)
Undead (For Kathy Acker) by Steven Shaviro
Kathy Acker remembered – Charles Shaar Murray
Rethinking the Slipstream:
Kathy Acker Reads Neuromancer
– De Zwaan, V, Science fiction studies, Vol 24; No. 3, 1997
Carbon 14, Issue #8,
Philadlephia art/music zine from the '90s plus free 7"
Magazine features Cows, Antiseen,
Survival Research Laboratories, Skullflower,
Kathy Acker, Psychic Sparkplug, Charles Gayle
Record features: Napalm Death, Limecell,
Unsane, Neurosis
Death (and Life) of the Author – Peter Wollen,
London Review of Books, Vol. 20, No. 3, 5 February 1998
Kathy Acker, 1947-1997 – Scholder, A,
Artforum international. Vol 36; No 7, March 1998
Beat Scene No. 30, April 1998
A journal edited and published by Kevin Ring.
It features: memorial tributes to Kathy Acker and Jack Micheline,
both of whom died shortly before the publication of this issue; a lengthy tribute to Lawrence Ferlinghetti; as well as an interview with Micheline conducted by A.D. Winans; an interview with Philip Whalen; many reviews including of works about William S. Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Bob Kaufman, a reissue of a spoken-work with music album by Jack Kerouac, books on the Jazz legacy; and much more.
Kathy Acker in Life and Death, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, CTheory, January 22, 1998
The Art of Living To The Full, Puncture magazine issue number 43 (early 1999) – covering Kathy Acker’s final concerts with the Mekons
Voice in Kathy Acker's Fiction, Kathryn Hume, Contemporary Literature, Vol. 42, No. 3, Autumn 2001
David Antin at the “Lust for Life: The Writings of Kathy Acker,” symposium at New York University, 7 and 8 November 2002. Video by George Quasha:
The symposium was in conjunction with the publication of Essential Acker: The Kathy Acker Reader, edited by Amy Scholder and Dennis Cooper and included an exhibition of Acker’s manuscripts and drawings. Speakers included: Avital Ronell, Peter Wollen, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Robert Glueck, Nayland Blake, Carolee Schneemann, Sarah Schulman, and Lynne Tillman and readings from Richard Foreman, Diamanda Galas, Kim Gordon, Kathleen Hanna, Rick Moody, and Sapphire. More details at
Angela Carter and Kathy Acker: Not a Eulogy – Draine, B, Contemporary literature, Volume 44; Part 2, 2003
Cyberpunk Pilgrimages: Kathy Acker Inside/outside of the Sublime – Hughey, Lynn, Mosaic: a journal for the comparative study of literature, Vol 36; Part 4, 2003
Blood Money: Sovereignty and Exchange in Kathy Acker – Clune, M, Contemporary literature, Volume 45; No. 3, 2004
Kathy Acker's Grave Songs and Visceral Insights – Chisholm, D, Parallax, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2005
Postmodernism and its Others:
The Fiction of Ishmael Reed, Kathy Acker,
and Don DeLillo, by Jeffrey Ebbeson (Author)
Hardcover: 262 pages
Publisher: Routledge (February 2, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415975441
ISBN-13: 978-0415975445
An analysis of:
Ishmael Reed [Mumbo Jumbo],
Kathy Acker [The Adult Life of Toulouse Lautrec by Henri Toulouse Lautrec],
and Don Delillo [White Noise].
Postmodernism and its Others:
The Fiction of Ishmael Reed, Kathy Acker, and Don DeLillo, by Jeffrey Ebbeson (Author)
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Routledge; Reprint edition (28 May 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 041580292X
ISBN-13: 978-0415802925
Looking back at Kathy Acker: The ICA's Kathy Acker retrospective is long overdue – A Stevens, The Guardian, 28 December 2007
Apart for Life: Kathy Acker and Her Friends – Willems, B, ArtUS. Issue 19, 2007
Just because cathexys showed an interest, an extract from an abortive biography of Kathy Acker by Roz Kaveney, 2007:
Where’s the Booty?: The Stakes of Textual and Economic Piracy as Seen Through the Work of Kathy Acker – Paige Sweet, Dark Matter, 20 Dec 2009, ISSN 2041-3254
Kathy Acker: Always Missing-A Plagiarized Tribute – McCaffery, L, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Volume 51, Issue 2, 2010
Who's Afraid of Kathy Acker? (2008) – Prasch, T, Film & history, Vol 41; No 1, 2011
Postmodern Fiction as Poststructuralist Theory: Kathy Acker'sBlood and Guts in High School – Muth, K R, Narrative, Vol 19; No 1, 2011
Pétunia #3, The space and architecture issue, 2011, 93 pages.
This issue contains contributions by or about :
Katarina Burin, Frances Stark, Laetitia Paviani, Lina Viste Gronli,
Nana Oforiatta Ayim, Géraldine Gourbe, Dorothée Dupuis,
Emmanuelle Lainé, Clara Meister, Kitty Kraus, Lili Reynaud Dewar,
Kathy Acker, Fiona Jardine, bell hooks, Mathieu Kleyebe Abonnenc,
Sisters of Jam, Spartacus Chetwynd, Elizabeth Diller.
Radical Interiors: Cindy Sherman's `Sex Pictures' and KathyAcker's My Mother: Demonology – Colby, G, Women: A Cultural Review, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2012
Kathy Acker's Clothes – Brooke, K, Art journal, VOL 72, No. 2, 2013
One or Two Things That I Know About Kathy Acker
The Encyclopedia of Rebels by Mel Freilicher
Paperback: 166 pages
Publisher: City Works Press (2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0983783721
ISBN-13: 978-0983783725
Discuss Rules Beforehand – Chris Kraus, The Believer, September 2014
Kathy Acker, an Introduction – Micah Loosen, The Modern Review, 14 July 2015
The Last Days of Kathy Acker – Jason Mcbride, hazlitt, 28 July 2015
Reading Guantanamo: The Bourgeois Subject and Torture in Kathy Acker – Strombeck, A, Literature Interpretation Theory, Vol 26; Issue 1, 2015,
![Journal [LAICA Journal], No. 4 (February 1975)](,h_250,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/80a41e_8263f7dcf8af47259432a04e9bae3714~mv2.jpg)